Legal Notice

MEGATRON Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
Hermann-Oberth-Strasse 7
85640 Putzbrunn / Munich
Tel.: +49 89 460 94-0
E-Mail: info@Clear
Represented by:
Komplementär: Megatron Elektronik Verwaltungs GmbH
General Management: Corinna Vizenetz, Thomas Volkwein
HRB 163136 Munich
Registered by:
District Court Munich
HRA 88474 Munich
VAT Number:

MEGATRON mainly uses its own pictures. In some cases, images are used from the following photo agencies: Adobe Stock (Fotolia), Getty Images, Al MacDonald

Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV:
Corinna Vizenetz and Thomas Volkwein
Hermann-Oberth-Straße 7
85640 Putzbrunn / Munich