MEGATRON has developed an innovative, compact converter box that converts signals from joysticks with voltage outputs into precise current signals. The joysticks from the MEGATRON product range can be customized even better to the customer's requirements with the help of the box.
The VIC (Voltage-to-Current Converter) can be used to convert signals from voltage output joysticks (potentiometers and Hall sensors) into accurate current signals. This makes it possible to offer almost any joystick model as a current output variant and to meet customer requirements even better.
The 4-20 mA current interface offers many advantages over a voltage output and is therefore preferred in many industrial applications. The most important advantage is the robustness against signal loss due to external interference and long cable runs. While voltage levels can be attenuated by line losses, the current in a 4-20 mA system remains constant as long as the integrity of the connection is maintained. This provides greater signal stability and accuracy.
Another advantage is the ability to detect faults. As the lowest current value in a working system is 4 mA, a current below this level (e.g. 0 mA) can be detected as a line break or other fault. This is an important safety aspect, especially for critical processes.
The high noise immunity of joysticks with a current interface is particularly important in industrial automation and sensor applications in harsh environments. Current interfaces also demonstrate their advantages in measurement and control technology: Precise signal transmission over long distances is ideal for measuring devices and control systems in plant engineering, production and infrastructure projects.
The VIC voltage-to-current converter allows joysticks with voltage output to be integrated into these systems. This greatly expands the application possibilities of the joysticks.